Designer user maker
Client: The Design Museum
Production company: The Light Surgeons
I was invited by The Light Surgeons to create a score for the film they made for the permanent Designer User Maker exhibition in the Design Museum. The film is a series of visual studies looking at the development of modern design through the interconnected roles of the designer, user and maker.
I wanted to create a soundtrack that matched the meditative nature of the film. I decided to look at ways of sonifying the video so the action was driving the musical composition. I chose 3 different ranges of notes to match the film's split screen composition. I then used an image to midi note plugin to drive each set of notes. These melodies are then repeated on a slowly decaying delay, building layers of interconnecting music.
The music only exists on the documentation and the online version of the full film below.
Producer and Director: Christopher Thomas Allen
Assistant Producer: Annie Kwan
Production Assistants: Ashraf Saifullah | Cuan Roche | Oli Bolland
Music composition: Tim Cowie